A Template plan for writing an article.

How you tell your story can make all the difference.

1. Introduction

  • Begin with a clear statement of the article's topic.

  • This sets the stage for what the article will address.

2. Presentation

  • This is where the main content of the article resides.

  • Provide arguments, facts, and opinions, and allow for digression.

  • Present your information, share your perspective, and engage the reader.

3. Conclusion

  • Wrap up the article by drawing some form of conclusion.

  • While you don't need to state it explicitly, the article should leave the reader with something to think about or act on.

4. Evaluation

  • Reflect on the points you've made and the connections you've drawn.

  • Answer the question or address the issue raised in the introduction.

  • Articles often aim to influence the reader, so this is where you leave them better informed or with a new perspective.

Additional Insights:

  • The structure of an article can also be applied to essays, speeches, presentations, and more.

  • This structure is versatile and has been used throughout history, not just in articles but also in sales and marketing pitches.

In essence, following these steps helps ensure that your article flows smoothly and delivers its message effectively. It gives you a roadmap to craft a well-structured and engaging piece of writing that guides your readers from start to finish. The structure is flexible enough to adapt to various types of articles while still providing a clear and logical flow for your content.


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